[m] [p] now she's a birdcage

She could not tell if it was sheer strength or simply madness that seemed to make him resilient to the blows she struck. He was a brute of a creature, twice her size, and all hulking brawn. And surely there was something wrong with him, for all his chanting and murmured worships and curses and whatever else she could not tell. The scent of blood was thicker now, or perhaps she was focused on it for courage. The rain could not wash it away quickly enough, just as the roaring thunder could not drown away his voice. She would kill him. She would kill him, like she should have all the rest.

Cassandra yipped unwillingly at the blow to her face. It was a high-pitched, girly sound, and for half a moment, she had mind to curse her coyote heritage. But the snarl returned to her features in the second half of the moment, and she screamed back at him for the first time. "You'll have nothing! Nothing is yours!" She was on her back now, pressed down and trapped by the nameless stranger, for still she did not recognize him. She knew from whence he'd come, but she did not know his face. Her side ached from where his thick fingers had gripped her, and she knew that they'd leave bruises, but then came the teeth and the bite and with another unbidden yip of pain, her blood was mixed into the heavy air.

The pouring rain added to the searing pain and Cassandra could feel a sudden lightness in her head. She was small and could not afford to lose blood in the way the wolf already was. She could not afford the distraction of the sudden agony in her shoulder, but all the same, she could not bring herself to do anything more for the moment grit her teeth.


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