OOC: I love that movie like whoa. XD And I use that term ALLATIME. Wink It seemed fitting.

Kol nearly jumped out of her skin in shock as a figure intercepted her charging nemesis. The fact that someone was near enough to help was surprising in itself, but add to that the fact that that someone was willing to help was what really made her head spin. The girl's shock lasted only a split second, the stranger's command shattering her confusion. Unable to actually run, Kol limped at a fast walk to the rocky outcropping she'd been skirting to begin with, gritting her teeth as she pulled herself up it until she was at the top.

The effort of her climb had reopened many of the half-healed wounds along her body, and a rivulet of blood trickled from each of the cuts across her left eye. Violet eyes watched in fascination as the cloaked optime canine battled his significantly larger opponent, flashes of silver streaking between the two to land with incredible precision in the body of the berserking grizzly. Kol narrowed her eyes as she witnessed the battle, cursing her own stupidity for wandering alone and her inability to aid her rescuer in his fight. All she could do was watch, and pray to the Packmother that the bear would retreat and leave the masked coyote alive.

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