Abandoned! [AW]

Sura had been romping in the community garden again, this time taking careful precautions to be rambunctious around the garden, but not actually in it. She'd expected Colli to show up and play, but it wasn't Colli's usual time to do so, and Sura had forgotten to ask Colli if she would come. Nonetheless, when her adult friend didn't show up, Sura finally left and went home.

Everything felt normal as Sura walked in the door to Hael and Grace's house. She'd been sent to live with them and with the exceptions of a few unmade beds and an inordinate amount of accidentally broken dishes, things went along alright. Neither of them were home, so Sura settled in her room and played with a radish-like plant "dollie" she'd found, long wilted. When the night fell, they still weren't home. Sura forgot to eat dinner, which was probably a good thing, as their stock of food had been quite low. When her bedtime came, she stayed up late because she could and feel asleep on the floor.

When the morning dawned, Sura awoke, startled at her being on the floor instead of her bed, wandered about the house confused, and came to the conclusion that they still weren't home. She fixed herself breakfast eating the last of the food in the cupboards, went out, and returned in the afternoon with a snack in mind. But there was no more food left. Only now did it begin to dawn on her that something was seriously wrong. A stomach ache haunted her the rest of the evening and she napped until the morning of the third day. She checked the cabinets, and still, there was no food.

It was dawn when Sura stood outside, now fully at the realization something was quite wrong, not to mention her stomach pleading with her to be filled. "Wuuuncllllllllllllleeeeeeeee! Waaaauntiiiiiiieeeeeeeeee!" , she sat a few feet away from the home's doorstep and shouted as loud as she could, as if they were merely playing hide and go seeek. " Wheres ares yous? I don't want to plays this games anymore! Pleases come out! I'm scareds!" , Sura's eyes began to well up in frightened tears.

A thought suddenly hit her. Actually, it was a seedpod dropping from a tree above, the gentle clunk on her noggin enough to shift her thoughts. Instead of being scared, she should be brave! If she set the house on fire, they would come and be with her again, right? They couldn't have abandoned her, surely they didn't ! Sure ran over to a smoldering campfire from the night before with a dry branch and returned with a make-shift torch. Holding it in her mouth carefully, she faced the house, determined to destroy anything that would hurt her, as this was her relatives house, they had left, and somehow burning it to the ground would surely soothe her hurt and bring them back.




TlL;DR On day three, Sura realizes that Grace and Hael have abandoned her. Sura hasn't eaten for some time and is hungry and very upset. She stands with a blazing torch and is getting ready to set their house on fire . In her confused mind, this is a Good Idea.

Sura is 4 months now and in those three days has demonstrated that she is definitively not capable of taking care of herself on her own.

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