a safe landing and a calm passage

Anu did not know the details of the battle against Salsola, and she did not try to calm the alpha’s anger towards their appearance in his lands. It was confusing, and yet the once-Dreamer did not place her worry in her lack of knowledge surrounding the history between Tayui and Zalen but focused more so on how his body spoke in the moment. She was not pleased by his words towards the woman beside her, but she did not stand against them. There was a gut retching fear that hit her suddenly when he spoke of leaving them for the Salsolans, knowing that if Tayui’s appearance in these lands were taken so unkindly then they would certainly be eaten by those demons as Zalen described.

But he gave an unsatisfied huff, and with another moment he looked to her tore bay colored eyes and gave his final decision. Thank you, Zalen. I promise that we will travel lightly and without disrupting your pack. She looked back to Cypress, who had been standing uneasily behind them. There was a look of relief on his face, but Anu knew better then to think that he was at ease.

We are headed for Vinátta, in the hopes of joining, your understanding allows us to begin this new life. And for that… we are truly in your debt. She added, her tone as honest and genuine as the old woman’s feelings were. She may not have been so generous if one had ever faulted her and her family, and yet he could trust that their travels were with pure intent.


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