Something Wicked
mall-caps;color:#660000;">there's no one here to tuck me in, so the shotgun will instead

        She took his hand, allowing herself to be drawn closer to him. Her words told him what she'd done—that she'd gone back over the mountain, back to the burned remains of Bleeding Souls to find her brother. But she'd found nothing. Arkham was probably dead, the Lykoi knew. What other reason would he of had for not following Inferni and his apparently beloved sister to their new residence? "I'm sorry," he said, in a voice that could of sounded as though he truly meant it. Samael did have emotions. Did have longings. But empathy was lost to apathy and love lost to lust and desire. He moved then, reaching out a hand to gently brush her cheek. Comforting her, like a real brother should do.

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