Something Wicked
mall-caps;color:#660000;">there's no one here to tuck me in, so the shotgun will instead

        Samael could care less where Rachias chose to live. Her choice was her own and mattered little to him. They all chose to abandon Inferni at some point, yet they were all drawn inexplicably back in the end, as though the clan had some sort of hold over them. Even Samael had left for a while, testing the world only to find his way back. But he had come back not for the clan, but for Kaena. And now she was gone. All he had left was her throne currently held by her son and a kingdom that had abandon it's homeland, leaving only a name behind. Why did he stay? Some sort of twisted loyalty to the Lykois? Or some sort of futile desire that she'd one day return to him if he waited long enough? Neither of these satisfied the prince. And yet, he waited.
        "I know," he said quietly, moving his hand to lightly stroke her hair. He drew closer, moving another arm to wrap around her waist and pull her close. "You care about your brother." Was it simply a sibling bond, or something more as he felt and didn't even realize? Samael loved Ahemait, perhaps more then he should have. But Ahemait had Stygian, and Samael had no one, not even Molochai anymore.

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