J- A home without a swamp is still a home

Word Count :: 000 Welcome

Aeron smiled as she looked at him. Welcome to Anathema Token, You will be ranked Zepar until you prove your use to me. She spoke. She could sense the other coming as she watched shou shift on a branch. She was not certain as to why others were coming here while she was dealing with joiners.

She glanced at Lukos and huffed a bit. She may be busy but new members always came first. though having a lot to do it was a good idea to have someone else help him. Fine Lukos you may show Token around. She spoke as she looked at Token. Lukos will show you around. there are two choices of living there are caves and then their are homes and The villlage where I and other members have made their home. She spoke tuning away.

She grabbed Elzar's Reigns and pulled herself up. Shou come She called as a dark crow swooped from the trees and onto her shoulder. She smiled to the males and urged the large horse onward.

quote courtesy of Assassins Creed borther; table by the Mentors!

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