[aw] i'll walk a water mile
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Setting Location Form NPCs
Location: Luminescent Lagoon, CdA

Date: 24 Aug* (Backdated)

Weather: Cool, few clouds

Time: Early evening

316 Vasiliy is so ignorant of everything going on in CdA right nowww. >_>

Vasiliy is by me!

The granite-furred Russian was blissfully unaware of the unrest within his pack as of late. While not unfriendly, Vasiliy was not so gregarious by nature as to constantly seek companionship. He was perfectly happy roving around the territory, fishing and fixing where he could, and working on his home in his spare time. Perhaps this was why he did not have so many close friends within the pack, and was thus unaware of most of the goings on. He knew there were new puppies, and he knew there was a smell of tension on the air -- a rather thick smell, in fact.

And perhaps it was that very thing which had driven him into his home the last few weeks, occasionally departing to make a fishing trip or hunt something. He avoided company and kept his head down, determined to avoid being sucked into whatever trouble was brewing. He had discovered something which aided immensely with this undertaking. Just a short walk from the town Thornbury, there was a magnificent freshwater lagoon. It was well-hidden amongst the thick tree and surrounding forestry -- the tiny hollow was difficult to spot. It was only by chance Vasiliy had returned late from the ship one day, and saw its faint blue glow.

Since then, the dusky-furred Russian had been spending quite a lot of time around the small lake. He swam, he fished, he explored the little cave. He spent time during the day and at night, usually arriving in mid-afternoon after spending his morning time working on his house. The innards were his concentration these days, as he didn't really want to be seen outside and get drawn into something that was entirely and decidedly not his business. But the late afternoon and evening were his with the lagoon. He leaned back against the trunk of a tree, happily puffing on his smoke.

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