[aw] i'll walk a water mile
Sorreee it took me so long to get to this x.x I fail Also, I don't know what kind of horse Artan is, so just assumed he's some kind of a mixed thoroughbred, roughly average in height. Tall enough to carry 6 foot 3 Honrin without strain or struggle.

His wandering took him far and wide within the territory of Cercatori. Apart from his tending of the animals he had not much to occupy his time. He was not an idle sort and loathed having nothing to do. The completion of the horse corral had freed up a lot of time that he had spent building and measuring over the last few days. At a loss for something to capture his attention he saddled up Artan, his mother's horse. The stallion was a murky chocolate color with a flaxen male and large intelligent brown eyes. Artan was the reason he had made it home from Saul's pack.

The bright stallion pawed at the ground as Honrin approached him, anxious to be off and gone to wherever they were going. Honrin enjoyed spending time with Artan unlike his own vicious stallion. Across the stables Emmett glared at him and bared his teeth, the snowy horse held hatred in his eyes for the stallion Honrin held onto. Artan ignored the challenging scream sent his way and held his head tall, proudly. Frowning, Honrin led Artan outside and mounted him, gripping hold of the reins and with a click of his tongue Artan was trotting gaily into the forests. His own horse was becoming more and more unmanageable and now even refused to let Honrin ride him. He was too wild and untamed to let him remain in this way for much longer, his young siblings that he had never seen came to mind, they would be curious and that curiosity could be deadly if Emmett wasn't broken.

He was unwilling to break and beat down such a masterful animal but the cons far outweighed the pros. It was with a grim face that he rode. The swaying motion of Artan was enough to lull him into his thoughts. Artan hardly needed guiding and he let the horse trot and gallop at his leisure and go where he would, only adjusting the direction occasionally.

The day passed them by slowly and horse and rider enjoyed a content and action free few hours together. Honrin almost managed to forget the violence that had torn his small family apart. He came upon Vasiliy quite unexpectedly and Artan came to a stop next to the lagoon, lowering his head and munching upon the sweet grass. Feeling himself fade down into the coldness Honrin dismounted from his horse, patting the beast on the neck. Vibrant gold eyes swept over the charcoal tinged foreigner and his voice rang out,


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