[m] perfection will not come
I'm fine with it!

Strel chuckled, once a very much so vain man. Now, he no longer found himself caring all that much about his appearance. He rubbed at his chin, the furs there shifting with the movements of his fingers. "There's no need for flattery where flattery is not needed, boy." His tone was dismissive, but not entirely unkind. He would have simply preferred to not be subject to forced compliments, especially when he could tell that he was a mess of a man. There was nothing attractive about the former Dauphin anymore, not with his hair ragged, uncombed, and his clothes in disarray. Strel was hardly a pretty sight to behold, for anyone. And he was happy enough to admit that there was nothing good there to compliment. "If we're going to be honest with each other, you had better be too, or else I'll kick you out, rank or no," he threatened lightheartedly, sighing at the ceiling as he laid back onto the bed of furs.

Was this what the old did? Interfere and nose into the lives of the young? There was little interest in his own, anymore, and it was far more interesting to bother with Trent, who seemed to have a genuine problem on his hands. He was so misguided, so misinformed, that he would sit about denying the morality of an affliction he seemed to suffer under. Affliction his left foot. "So, who is it?" he asked without a single shred of empathy for the younger male. This was something to power through, and if he could ram the idea that it was okay into this boy's head, he would. Love was love was love, and there was no way getting around that sordid little fact. That and it seemed that there was a heavy attraction to him on Trent's part. Why bother denying it to himself? "You seem to like him quite a bit," he added coyly, smirking as he felt overwhelmed with his own smugness.

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