[M] It's Been Awhile

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Word Count → 000

Tharin's body language was enough for Zalen to not hurt the male. Still he didn't let him go without a bite that told him her friend that the ebony king was the main male around here. Tharin whimper prompting a whine from her. She tried to appease Zalen, her body low for him, but he didn't want her to go without making it a point to straddle over her, his mouth grabbing at the top of her muzzle. Her ears folded back so tightly they blended to her silky coat. Eyes closed and she whimpered softly to him, tail wagging low. Never had she had a male so aggressive about her. Even Ookami never showed such possessiveness over her. Not that she ever noticed. Adonia liked it, she wanted to blush about it. Her cheeks warmed. The wolf dog was embarrassed by the fact she was going to allow Tharin on her, to allow Tharin to mate with her, but to see this from Zalen made her wonder. Was he doing this to make sure she only carried his puppies, or was he having feelings beyond that? Adonia had to tell herself it was out of pure instinct. The alpha wanted her to only carry his offspring, he wanted her to be all his until they were born and weened. There was surely nothing more than that.

Still, with Zalen so close, his strong dominance over her, his scent soaking into her muzzle. She had no deisre for other males. She accepted her punishment and the moment he let go she would lick at his chin whimpering her apologies. She couldn't deny the fact that she was developing strong emotions for him. Stronger than her emotions for Tharin whom she always had liked. Adonia wouldn't share this with Zalen, she wouldn't show him she was really feeling strongly for him. Mostly for fear, fear of not being reciprocated. She would just say sorry in her more base instinctual way. Appeasing licks and whines.

Once he was calmed she would then roll onto her back, her tail not tucked but out wagging as she pawed at her alpha, eyes sparkled in a playful manner. He claimed her. It was exciting. Why did it excite her so much!? A soft whined growl came from her wondering if she could incite play, trying to get this high stressed situation to go away.

Code by the Mentors; photo courtesy to effika

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