When the Sun gets too warm
Her aggressiveness began to break down as Tharin stood there peacefully. She was no longer a threat to be concerned with. Her glance past to where the food was didn't go unnoticed. She had a reason to want it. Hunting could be difficult, going days without catching anything. Shaking his head he listened as she spoke. She was strong, but she was very young. The strength was attractive, but it needed to be tempered with wisdom, something this boisterous youngster didn't have.

I know it. Tharin didn't say anymore, just staring steadily at her. Her frame was thin, as was the frame of most loners. She was younger than many loners that she'd seen. She must have been born to this life. She was incredibly lucky to have survived. Pups without the protection of a pack died even more easily than pack pups. Turning he trotted back towards the young loner's kill. Grabbing it he dragged it over to where she was, and dropped it down, now far enough from the pack that she could stay there without a problem. Backing up he lowered himself down. I don't fight needlessly.

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