When the Sun gets too warm
He was watching her without waver. She almost began to pace not liking how he was watching her. Her ears went back and then forward unsure what to do. He said he understood, but how could he? He was a pack wolf. What does a pack wolf know about being alone? Suddenly he turned to leave and she thought this would be an opportunity to dart away and run, she could scratch her kill as a loss. She could feed on crab and whatever washed upon shore. Maybe find some carrion if she were lucky. But as the opportunity came it was gone when she heard the sound of dragging. Her ears shot forward as he brought her kill to her.

Her tail raised and she bristled nervously as he dropped it. Was he giving it back to her? She trotted dominantly, and gracefully to her kill and sniffed, inspecting it. Eyes never leaving Tharin as he then lowered himself saying he doesn't fight needlessly. That was good. She didn't want to fight, but she wouldn't hesitate to. Her head rose from her boar, then she looked at him. Slowly she came around.

Now that the tension had diffused she became curious of the male. Cautiously she sniffed in his direction, her steps slow, and tensed. Her head bobbed up and down as she gained his scent. Ears intently forward. She stopped short of closing the two extra feet and lowered her front some eyes watching him as she sniffed where he'd been. The scents held easily five, maybe more other wolves. She couldn't imagine being around that many others. Perhaps it was best she didn't attack him. It would have been bad on her part. Especially, since he wasn't an Alpha. What could an Alpha do to her? Probably a lot if he controlled six or more wolves. He had to be strong, fast, and over all dominant over all. Her acid stare softened now. She wasn't as hard, or as angry.

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