Heavy Demands
WORDS | 343
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Ink hadn't really been very... productive recently. Sure, he'd been busy taking good care of his wards- little Sura, who loved to get into trouble. The kitten, Kipp, who demanded a constant attention. Jericho, who was now starting to show the signs of her pregnancy. All was going well with each so far, but the thoughts and processes of Thorn's Brewery- which he'd been inspired to assist him with- had him stressed. So, he'd managed to convince Sura to come for a walk with him while he gave Jericho her excersize.

He started the walk with Sura tucked into the saddle bag, strapped in with a harness to avoid damaging leaps of rebellion. He wanted to get away from Jordheim and the stables before letting her off of her leash, per say. The pup was a handful and a pregnant mare would not approve of nippy toddlers at their ankles.

About a half hour's walk from Jordheim, he finally let her down to walk, with the sharp warning to keep close to him. While she did wander away a few times, she came back quickly enough and without argument. The walk was relatively smooth going- Ink couldn't complain.

It was when a howl sounded in the air that Sura became excited, darting around his feet, demanding they check it out. He responded by scooping the pup up, dropping her into the harness and mounting up carefully on Jericho's back- she was still safe to ride, but no galloping. They made quick time of the trip, knowing the way well from where they'd been.

And upon arriving, there was a wagon and a woman- a dog, he figured. Sura remained surprisingly quiet as they came to a stop, Ink remaining on the back of his mare cautiously. "These are Vinatta's borders. What brings you by?" He was careful about names, now, and kept Sura's saddlebag well away from arm's reach- just in case. This was too familiar not to be weary of, at least for the gypsy-born boy it was.

The Sura-less saddlebag is kept stocked with various goods and trinkets he's picked up.
There's quite a bit more there than usual, with how he's been collecting for the Brewery.
He also carries silver coins and figurines- trade stuff between caravans his family dealt with as a kid.
PP pending approval, so Sura may or may not actually be there. >.> I'll edit, if not.

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