[p] like anchors in hopeless waters
(362) God Rob y u so awkward?

A friendly smirk naturally spread across his face as the foreign twang graced his ears, and finding it peculiar again. While he wasn't a fan of things out of the norm, the accent did perked his interest, mostly about the language he must have spoke, perhaps his culture as well. After all, it was a harmless thing--it was not like his curiosity could possibly get him in trouble in this scenario, it was not as if he was going to wherever by just pondering over it.

He nearly reached out a hand and parted his jaws to interject, not wanting to impose. But, the mention of the fish and eating in the same sentence made his stomach roll, as if it was a wolf begging for a bone to be tossed his way. The additional information of a big fish just sealed the deal for the man, and he nodded at the dusky man as he went scuttling where the scent was strongest. He stepped up to the front of his house by the time he had returned, and Robert accepted the offer graciously. "Thanks, Vasiliy. I think I will enjoy this."

He cut himself a tiny slice of the lean meat and politely munched it down, thinking of what to say now. He planned only for a small greeting, perhaps some small talk, but now that he was eating, he did not want to leave the man that was kind to him. The gentleman would not allow such rudeness. "This fish is very good, Vasiliy, do you know what kind it is? I mean, it's species?" If his small talk could get any more awkward, it did, and things did not help when Robert was extra careful to elaborate and use simple words--not that he found Vasiliy slow, he just didn't want to confuse him. His tongue licked the roof of his mouth, finding it somewhat dry, and kindly asked after a moment's pause, "You have anything to drink, by any chance? Water?" He began to feel a little bad that he was asking so much from the man, and made another note in his mind to somehow repay the guy for his kindness.


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