[M] Glory Personified
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

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The male had been back and forth throughout the are of 'Souls over and over again. He couldn't count the number of times his paws had ended up bringing him back over and over again. He seemed to wander away only to end up back in the area once again. He had family here though, or so said Misery. If one wanted to be honest he had family spread all over. He couldn't even begin to explain why he was back or again, or even what it was that had continued to draw him back to the area. Or well, he used to haunt the old lands which were now made of ash. But he had wandered his way south to where others thrived.

His favorite place to stalk had been the concrete jungle so was it any wonder that he now found himself stalking about Halifax now that he was frequenting the south more and more? For him the city proved to be the easiest place to hunt. It was the one with the most abundant prey, even if one would think that were not so. But then again what he was hunting wasn't what others typically hunted. He had a taste for the flesh of his own kind. it really was pointless to waste the meat after he had set them free of their binds to the earthly body that they possessed. Besides, it was the most thrilling hunt that he had ever found.

Zadkiel had purposely soiled himself, covering his beautiful body in dirt, once he had caught scent of a mutt in the area. He took the time to hide his knives out of plain view, leaving them in a place where he could easily retrieve them. The male ran his fingers through his coat and roughed up his appearance even more. Once he was fairly pleased with his bedraggled look did he finally stumble his way into the direction that he had smelled the female mutt. To his delight he found her with child already. The tender meat that was ready to burst forth from her body at any moment was an unexpected treat for him. But he couldn't dwell on that for the moment.

"My son...!" He panted out the words and made to flag down the female, waving his arms above his head in distress. "Help please! He's not breathing!" Zadkiel made certain to pant as if he had just run a marathon simply to look for help for the child. He figured that the life of a young one at stake would be enough to have the female following him to her demise. And well, he wasn't exactly wrong about that. The mutt followed after him as the D'Angelo male made his way back to where he had hidden his knives.

"He is just over here. I had to hide him." The lie fell easily from his lips, using it to explain why he was bending down. He reached his hands into the small hole he had found in the crumbled base of a building and grabbed the handles of his knives. The male was quick to turn about and slashed the tendons at the backs of the female's heels in order to prevent her from fleeing. He was even sweet enough to drop his knives and catch her as she started to topple. The wolf eased the dog down to the ground so that the life inside of her would not be harmed, at least not just yet. He still wanted to play around with the female a bit before he got to the delicacies that she contained within her body. He wasn't concerned with the pained yelp she gave when she had been injured because he figured no one else would be in close enough proximity to hear or care.

Once he had her on the ground Zadkiel picked up his knives once again and cute away the thin fabric that covered her body. He didn't stop there but also made to cut out clumps of her fur as well, roughly shaving her. He was curious as to the color of the flesh beneath all of that fur. Plus he hoped that without the fur in the way he might detect any movement in her abdomen area with more ease.

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