Watch the stars with me

The ebony king held her elbows gently, gaining her attention fully. Her mind stopped wheeling and she listened to him. She could see him, and she could tell there was something in there wanting to get out, but what she didn't know. He spoke, and that was what she focused on. After he spoke about his decisions and how even her opinion mattered as much as the highest ranked, she gave a soft smile, her eyes giving off some reassurance to him, "..I know you don't mean to hurt anyone. You're just trying to lead the pack in the right direction, and keep order at times. I am sure most of the others understand this as well.." Her ears went half back as he continued. She had only wanted to make sure he heard those words. Hearing something always seemed to emphasize the action or behavior. Surely, it made him feel reassured to hear that. He tugged on her tuft and her brows lowered while a playful smile played at her features, she was about to playfully snap at him, but then he said something.

Her ears went back for a moment when he spoke of her emotional sensitiveness and his own feelings, or lack there of. She raised her eye brows when he looked at her apologetically. Her arm extended out and he grabbed at his ear pinched hard enough to make him whimper or get upset. If he did either, she would smile broadly before saying, " have're not numb, yet, Zalen.." She giggled and then leaned forward and nuzzled into his muzzle with her own before whispering lightly into his ear, "..don't worry about it. Sometimes over thinking things can make you worry about small things, or things you have no control over. You have emotions in there..I see them sometimes." She then withdrew again. "'re not fully calloused over. You're just hurting inside...whether you talk about it or not. I know you miss Titiana..she was a great Alpha female...and I know, mainly because you were so excited to hear that I'm having your puppies, that when you lost the offspring with her, you shut down.." Her words trailed off. "I never brought it up because I knew it hurt you..but maybe you need to talk about it.." Her eyes glanced back up, "...I'm introverted I understand that when things hurt sometimes bottling up makes it seem better...but, sometimes you just have to talk about it...sometimes you need a shoulder to cry on, or lean on. All because you brood inside doesn't mean your just means you don't outwardly show things as much. " She gave him a warm smile, "...when I told you that I'm pregnant by you, you lite up..your emotions showed some.." her tail began to wag a little, "..that smile looked genuine to me..."

She let out a sigh, " have feelings..and you can pinch proved it.." She teased playfully before sticking out her tongue in a childish manner. She didn't care, she was enjoying being able to tease him about his own sensitivity. "I'm not alone on the sensitive tree..I just am more open than you with my emotions...since they seem to be written on my face.." Her head turned away to the side and she lifted her muzzle skyward in a 'humpf' sort of fashion.

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