
OOC. tl;dr much? Wdf, so this is what's been hiding inside Lubomir!

The grey wolf had seen his friend leave Shadowed Sun. He stood behind a tree, unshifted, his head resting on his front paws, his eyes sad. Inside, he felt much like the day he'd realised he had been wrong about Ember. Ever since she'd joined Shadowed Sun he had been avoiding her, her scent and voice, her eyes, everything a painful reminder of sleeping with Firefly. He'd been up all night on Halcyon Mountain and realised, with growing worry (and maybe, ironically, a sense of peace), that he did not love her. His heart was closed to all now, most of all to himself. The other had been quiet too and Lubomir found himself wondering if he'd somehow fallen through a black hole and ended up in a different universe. He snorted at the thought. If he had, he would have given himself another chance at rescuing his pack.

Lubomir felt old. He was 4, but he felt old and jaded. He was a crusty old fool, with ideas of great romance in his head, with poetry that slipped between his fingers, with songs half-forgotten, with morals, grand ideas of justice and a sense for being inherently good. The grey wolf got up and shook himself. After his discussion with Skoll, he had no doubt in his mind what he would do. He would follow and fight the other wolf. Ever since SteelRose, he had found himself questioning his selfless attitude. He wondered if maybe he's been a wolf to ever believe he could help anyone. But he would rather die a fool than live life as a coward. He sniffed the air and trotted at a good pace behind Skoll.

The more he walked the more he feared for his friend. They should have brought Tayui here, they should have done something. A laughable concept. Skoll would hear none of it. The grey wolf was silent, grateful that the wind would hide his scent from the others. He picked up the pace. His body, used to mellow walking and strolls, put up some resistance but Lubomir trudged on. He stopped once, when he noticed that the ground was less bountiful in terms of hiding spots. He drew a deep breath and went on. Skoll was his friend. They had shared stories. He could never live with himself if he did nothing. The voice whispered something, but he was so focused the meaning was lost on the wind.

The final dune was as good a vantage point as any. He listened with a heavy heart as Skoll announced his presence. Their guardian. His friend. Blinded by his own morality. Lubomir wished that for once, the people he truly cared about stayed with him, instead of running off to somewhere else. Instead of putting their lives at risk. But, also, he ahd to think that if Frigg and One-Eye had not died, he might have fallen in that fight. He was alive, he could tell their story. He could try to prevent something horrific from happening again. Glancing over the top of the dune, he noticed the other wolf waiting. Now or never. Slowly, Lubomir shook himself again. Then he charged.

He hadn't realised just how fast he was, hadn't known the depth of his anger, the amount of rage piled on his mind, the fear, the hunger, the thirst, the adrenaline. The other did not come out, instead he seemed to crouch and bow before this Lubomir of moral grounds, this grey blur of ethics, this yellow-eyed wolf who was far from suited for battle, who still charged at a warrior for the sake of his friend. For Skoll, you damn son of a bitch! His voice was stronger than he'd ever heard it before. His eyes glinted. Lubomir picked up the pace and charged head-on into the stranger.


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