left hand shoe
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     The last week had been such an abrupt 180 to what Poe had been living for the past year-plus, that she could only assume that she was in some kind of shock. She had divided all of her time between tending to and watching over Ahren and the others, and running back and forth between the Shattered Coast and the Hollow, turning over the contents of her underwater traps to refilling a leaky old barrel she had rolled into the land with the angry crabs, lobsters, and a few fish that she brought up. She was very much a part of a pack again, and for as effortful as it was, there was a definite sense of warmth, even through the chill of the illness that riddled the territory.

     It had only been the day before that she had gone back to the city to pick up a few things. Some basic supplies from a crumbling pharmacy on the edge of town, a bundle of clean, soft blankets, three flat pillows for the ailing (and more practically, the possibly-seizuring) from her (no longer?) own bedroom, along with a few useful items for herself. The return to her home and wardrobe warranted a change of clothes as well, and of course with only practicality in mind, she came back to Esper Hollow wearing a Halloween version of a nurse's uniform--red-crossed cap included--and wearing a hiking backpack filled with her goods.

     There was a little huddle of trees with a soft, mossy ground between them that she had taken to sleeping in, a couple dozen feet behind the shacks. Close enough that she any serious commotion would wake her up, and far enough that she was a little less likely to catch whatever disease it was. It was there that she swung the bag off of her shoulders, dropping it with a muffled thud in the shade where she could pause, stretching her arms and back out.

Table by Tammi!

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