Darkened Art
http://i.imgur.com/9vVfx.png); background-repeat:no-repeat;">
http://i40.tinypic.com/jrqkvp.png); background-repeat:repeat; padding:15px">

As the artist stated her work was finished, Aoves finished her own idle task, knotting together both ends of the massive chain, then leaving it in a haphazard circle on the earth. She assumed that she would not have been told the work was done if she hadn't been meant to see it; so the woman turned and sidled as near as she dare to the other and her companions. Hand crossed thoughtfully behind her back as she walked forward, her gaze focused slowly on the details of the piece, observing in blank faced silence for less than a moment before speaking.

"And the children weep as well?" The thoughtful murmur was an equal amount statement as question. The sight of cardinal red beneath the adults eyes was morose, but bearable, almost calling for a twisted nostalgia as she remembered her own sorrows and uncertainties of adulthood. Who among them had not felt fate wrench at their heartstrings, making them all the harder, stronger. Pain and maturity she could easily associate, it was simply the way life was. The sight of innocent youth in such an image however, was perplexing. The pale gaze flickered questioningly from canvas to painter - what thoughts in her mind would have the children weeping blood as well?



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