Darkened Art
http://i.imgur.com/9vVfx.png); background-repeat:no-repeat;">
http://i40.tinypic.com/jrqkvp.png); background-repeat:repeat; padding:15px">

As the other began to speak again, Aoves walked forward again closed the final distance between her and the gift. Her gaze remained directed upon the other all the while though, listening even as she walked towards the painting. She gathered the object with tender care, careful to keep the cradled piece away from the long hairs of her chest, lest she ruin it. With the painting in her clutches, she calmly turned to leave, smiling slightly and nodding in approval as her ears were met with the name.

"Chemin de perte. Hm, I think that name fits quite well - I will forget neither yours nor its." Her steps carried her past the other, the womans sable head dipping in thanks as her stride brought their bodies parallel, but still the woman's steps continued to carry her away. She had not gone far when catching the last bit of Dalgina's question, merely turning back to speak over her shoulder. "Oh, and my own is Aoves." And with that she was walking away, piece cradled carefully in her arms.
((Exit Aoves, unless she's stopped.))



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