An Eclipse Sets Upon Us

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Word Count → 000

When the mother thanked her Adonia merely gave a large smile and spoke cheerfully, "You're welcome!" The kit lightened the area, his cute chipper behavior rubbed off in the atmosphere. As the kit came bounding over, Adonia giggled and stomped her front end down when he came by to playfully startle him into running away. It was so cute and silly to watch him bound around. It was like he had endless energy just spewing everywhere. They neared the lake and Palaydrian shifted forms. Adonia's mind was on the kit, not paying too much attention to what Palaydrian was doing. She watched as it bounded away, only to return with some catnip, stem and roots. She smiled brightly sitting back on her haunches lost by the motions of the others. Her gaze then looked to the omega and nodded, following the woman as she washed the plants.

The woman handed her some herbal remedy. "..'kay." She took the leaves and chewed then swallowing it down. It was an interesting taste and texture on her tongue. It wasn't often a wolf ate leaves, but the texture was unique to her palate. Palaydrian asked if she would want her to wash her wound. Her ears went back shyly. She didn't want the woman to do more than she had to, already she had been too kind. "Oh, I can wash myself if you wish, I'll just have to shift forms, is all.." She then began to shift with the ease of one who'd been a Luperci all her life. She knew soon she couldn't shift anymore. It could danger the offspring, and with this injury of hers, it might be best to stay in her Optime form. Dipping into the lake she washed the blood off her coat and dunked her head letting her entire body get soaked. She hated blood on her coat, and now that the adrenaline was falling from her form, she felt tired and worn. The cool water was waking her and calming her, or maybe the herb was kicking in that fast. Reemerging, her wound was clean and she came to the shore of the lake with a shake and sigh, "That feels better.."

Code by the Mentors; photo courtesy to effika

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