that blue, blue sky
DaVinci worried about his kid sister but to most of the world it would seem like he viewed her as a burden when in his heart she was like his own child. There was really nothing he could do but accept the fact that he actually cared about the girl and she still looked up to him. He'd have thought otherwise except he knew her by now.. and that was about all he could say. He turned his stormy eyes away from the stranger who was closer than half the world to him in this moment while he tried to clear his mind from worry for two seconds.

His attention brought back to the present as he turned back when he realized silence was his only company. His dark eyes watched the girl as she stared off into space. The seconds seemed to draw on until she finally shattered the quiet with soft words. His attention was fully on the lady as she spoke, his manner and body relaxed like he hadn't been in a long time.. he'd almost forgotten his fears of a world that judged him in her presence as she began her story.

When those crimson orbs turned searching towards his he smiled softly, who was he to judge what a good life was, he'd spent half his raising hell and the other half making up for it by being a strange blend of brother and father figure to a tag-a-long sibling with dreamers eyes. The smile that had been sitting on his lips seemed to fade to nothing as her full story came to life.

Those teasing words he'd asked when he'd questened who the woman was had brought real answers he hadn't expected. The down to earth relaxed nature of their conversation had turned serious within moments as her life unfolded before him. Her words soon drifted off in the breeze and was replaced with her rhythmic breathing as he looked back to the girl and admitted. "Not all who travel are lost.. sometimes they're just trying to find themselves.." He smiled softly and spoke on. "The past doesn't make Ryan, just remember that.." His own past had been brittle and harsh since before he even know where he'd come from.. though he'd let the past take hold of him once he'd learned from a child that he was worth more than what the world saw.. though fear still gripped him when the eyes of another were judging him before knowing the boy.

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