[MaMa] waiting on a moment here with you
Deft fingers sorted herbs into the cheesecloth, tying them neatly with a piece of string. Heated water joined the teabags, Tal still humming softly. The humming faded into words as Tal sung under his breath. "Red is the rose, that in yonder garden grows. Fair is the lily of the valley. Clear is the water that flows from the Boyne. But my love is fairer than any..." His song stopped as he threw a wicked grin over his shoulder at the darling mate who had just nuzzled his cheek.

"Need any 'elp there, love? Don't let me be any trouble..." Tal made a playfully scolding face at his mate. "How many times do I have to tell you, Boyo you aren't a trouble, you are my blessing?" He did a fair job of imitating his mate's cockney lilt on the slang word, mimicry was one of his little known talents. He also did a passable Spanish and Irish accent. The Spanish he'd picked up from Krystalle who had left D'Arte long ago. The Irish was something he'd picked up from his mother, who'd had traced of her adoptive father's Irish lilt in her voice when she was scared or angry, or when she needed to sooth a frightened patient. He had learned a few phrases from her too, as well as her impressive repertoire of old Irish songs.

He nuzzled his mate gently, then pulled the teabags from the water. He held back his mug as he offered his mate his own. The handmade pottery was glossed over, though Tal wasn't sure how. Someone in the pack had made it or traded for it and given it to him in exchange for the medical care he'd given them. Tal leaned against the counter as he took a taste of his tea. He enjoyed his tea sweet, and as always, he'd made his perfectly.

"I have to go check on Esther today. Jerome came and told me she seemed like she might be coming down with a bit of a cold. Do you have any plans today?" Bi-colored eyes smiled warmly at his mate as Sheba leapt lightly onto the counter, nuzzling his elbow. He held his mug in one hand as he gently scratched the calico's chin, waiting on his mate's answer. This normalcy was nice.

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