[MaMa] Center of the Storm
OOC: is fine

Dark curiosity glinted in his eyes as she moved. He loved dangerous games as much as she did. True, they wouldn't really be in any danger for this short contest, but it would still be plenty of fun going back and forth. His eyes flicked over to the various weapons. Knives were by far her favorite, though she had good proficiency with swords and bows as well. Just not to the extent that she had with her most commonly used tools. There was so much one could do with a knife, and it always was personal, touching someone's flesh with one.

Amy resisted wrapping herself around his frame as he straightened, a loving kiss pressing into her neck. Her tail wagged slowly, thinking through the details. Well, we don't really need these clothes, do we? They seem to get in the way so often. It would be a shame if one of the weapons accidentally sliced through them. Grinning she winked down at him. A simple game. Sparring, the objective to not touch the other, but to carefully cut their clothes away without harm.

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