I'll Be With You

OOC here!

Word Count → 000

It brightened Fayne's spirits even more to see that someone was at least willing to play with her. The silver woman without play was like a fish without water to breath, she needed it. She tried to move away from his nose at it poked at her rounding belly. Happy whines and groans left her maw as she snapped back at him, continually tugging at his scruff. Though, the tugging only helped him reach her more. Soon, she adapted new tactics and when he would dive in to poke her, she would nip at the side of his face trying to grab hold of the loose flesh on his cheeks. Each time she would land a bite, she would growl and tug at it releasing soon afterwards to start the process all over again. If you keep doing that, my kids are going to fight back. She laughed, bright and loud as the play continued hoping that one of the pups would react and kick him as he dove inwards. Luckily, one of them decided to twist around inside though his timing would have to be perfect for him to feel it. She neglected to nip him if he were to nose her again, purposely so that he might feel it. It might be funny to see his reaction to the pup moving.

Tharin lifted from the ground slightly and she wanted to mimic him and rise from her laying position to dance about. But, she knew what was good for her puppies and what wasn't and doing just that was on the bad list. Tharin finally admitted to agreeing with Fayne and she sulked for a moment. She knew what was best, but that didn't mean she wanted to believe it. Although, no joy in the world could compare to what she'd feel when she had her puppies snuggling up next to her. In the end, it would all be work it. You're probably right...I'd probably advise myself to do the same. Good thing I have you and Noah looking out for me though. Without my pack, I know these puppies would probably not make it. Fayne's rump rose into the air as she knelt into a play bow, growling up at Tharin. She wouldn't be jumping about, but she could still get up and challenge him.

Image courtesy of lightspeed-suzuka@deviantART; table by Haley

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