It is time to play... or not?

A brief moment of surprise was followed by a wave of instinct that flooded Aura’s mind as soon as she was aware of the stranger’s presence. It was a young male, probably two years under the female’s age. The anticipation for the fight made the dark female body shiver as she lowered her body in what could have been a submissive posture or what it really was, the position of a trained assassin before jumping over his opponent, it was such a pity that her weapons weren’t in the nearby, it would make it all much easier.

Aura was about to launch herself forward when her sister interrupted her thoughts with her more reasonable actions. Caedis gave a step forward hiding the darker female with her creamy body. “We are sorry. It wasn’t our intention to invade your borders”. Pressing the tip of her muzzle against the floor, the light-pelted sister rolled her eyes over to Aura to give her a meaningful glance.

“We are travelers, our camp is close to this area. We were unable to sense your pack, the wind carries your scents away”. There was a strong feeling of anxiety crossing her face as she gave away such information to a stranger, but her sister’s passive expression and voice calmed her once again. “My name is Caedis, and that is my sister Aura”.

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