Lost in the Ages
The trapper was glad for the slave's grip on her wrist, keeping her steady, though part of her reckognised that it was probably not allowed for slaves to touch a freewoman without prior permission. She didn't care-- she was out here to help, not to puff out her chest and assert dominance over this frightened man. What did it matter? If he hadn't held onto her she may well have gone tumbling into the dirt from the force of the gale that blew around them.

Null's eyes widened at the slave's cry over the wind. His daughter? She assumed that the child was young, if she was lost in the tempest. Then that ment a pup was caught out in this storm. If Null's light frame was so easily pushed by the wind then she hated to think of the struggle a pup would face. Before she could respond a large dark female appeared and gripped the slave, pulling the both if them behind a wall for some form of cover. The woman reminded Null somewhat of Draugr, and the small wolf wondered vaguely if they were related. The dark-hued canine carried herself confidently, even under the assault of the storm, and it occurred to Null that she should perhaps display herself with submission and respect. Though it seemed a little silly to Null-- ranks had no place in a disaster, not in her mind. Regardless, she pinned her ears back and dipped her head to show her low rank before the large woman.

She listened to the exchange between the two. 'Domina' was Latin for 'mistress' or some other reference to the woman's dominance if she recalled correctly, and that probably ment that this woman was the slave's mistress. She thought back to earlier that day when she had been near the barn when the storm had just begun, not recalling having seen the slave or any pups. The pup may well have been hiding in the barn, though, or taken refuge there later. It was damaged now thanks to a fallen tree, but it would still make a decent shelter for a frightened child.

Not wanting to aggravate the clearly irate woman, Null stayed quiet and awaited orders. She didn't like waiting around for permission to lend assistance, but she would do so regardless. There was no need to exacerbate the situation, after all.

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