[J] What doesn't kill you makes you crazy


Zalen held Soran close to him, desperately so, almost as if he wasn’t truly convinced she was there. But it was Soran, she smelled like Soran, sounded like her; Zalen couldn’t believe it. She returned his embrace and he could feel the cold barrier of sorrow nearly melt away; had he not been a stronger man, he might have broken down to weep at her feet, but he managed to keep himself together. It was easier once she began speaking, and pulled away to submit before him.

She told her story, how she had left to search for the bear that had killed blind, how she had faced him and nearly died himself, how she was found by a son and an old pack. He felt himself fill with gratitude for the pack, and wished there was a way he could thank them, but they surely must be far, far away. At the end, Soran apologized, covering her face and Zalen was quick to grab her hand and clasp it in his own, No apologies, Soran, you must never apologize. It is true that I and the others were sad to hear of your leaving, but I love and trust you, I knew you had a good reason. He smiled and pulled her into an embrace again, I’m so glad you’ve returned, but New Dawn is not the same as when you left. He pulled back, his smile turned into a look of regret, Titania is no longer with us, there was an accident and she lost her memory, I believe she lives in Sangi’lak now, a new pack to our north.

He stood, pulling her up with him, and began leading her into the pack lands, And… Deuce is also gone; her disappearance is recent and I plan on looking into what happened to her. Also, New Dawn was just hit by a hurricane, which explains what you see. He gestured at several stripped trees, And… then there’s Adonia; she’s carrying my litter. He looked at Soran to gauge her response, there was just so much to tell her.

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Rest now, traveler, for you are home.

Your brothers and sisters welcome you to New Dawn!

Congratulations! You no longer stray from the path and have returned to life as a true wolf. You do not have to face this world alone, and now may rely on the wisdom of your pack to guide you.

If you have any questions or concerns you may always seek your alphas' guidance by contacting Nat (Zalen Damaichu). Feel free to start posting in your new home immediately, or if you would like to plan a thread you may poke your muzzle around in Thread Requests or Open Threads!


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