Elder's Wisdom
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Sorry for the wait, I started working on Robin Aatte's family tree last night and broke my brain to such a degree I couldn't even think in straight sentences, she's related to like ALL the 'Souls families lol.
WC: 627

The sable female was starting to relax once more, perhaps falling back into the pack life wouldn't be such a struggle after all; perhaps it would be easier for the pack to accept her and trust her once more. She wanted that more than anything, wanted to be accepted and cared for so that she could care for the other members in the pack in return, she wanted to retake her role as mother and guardian of this pack, she wanted that more than anything. All in all the sable female had never been a good mother to her own pups, well her eldest pups, somehow she had managed to be a much better grandmother and great grandmother, in her way she tried to care for the pack members as such in order to alleviate her own guilt when it came to Khaden and Dhalia. Conri had had a broken mother, one that was barely able to care for herself at times, but he had known that he had been loved, she had cared for him the best that she could, but the twins, her dark son and her red girl, they had never known that she had loved them; then again when they had been born she was not sure that she did love them, in fact in a way she hated them, they were the product of a brutal attack and she hated them, she hated how they reminded her of Hollow, she hated how they showed her own weakness, she hated how they had been the reason her beloved eldest son had killed his own father. But she loved them now, she had realised that they were not to blame, they had never been to blame, she wanted to be their mother, she had even managed a good attempt when they resided within the lands, but now they were gone and she had no idea where they were and so there were motherly instincts left over that she gave to her pack mates; they were her gift and her penance.

The male corrected her on the name of the pup and Soran nodded, not realising that she had misheard him at first. Her eyes widened as the male spoke, saying that a wolf named Amy had crippled the poor girl, for a moment the sable female's features darkened, and she let out a low growl. She knew this Amy, she had traded with her when the Winter fayre had come to the 'Souls lands, had she brought this terror upon her pack?
"Not Amy Sunders? She crippled a pup? Damn her, I thought she was a kindly wolf when I had first met her. Damn her." Soran replied, a snarl coming from her maw as she thought of the pallid female who had seemed so welcoming, so willing to trade for arrows for her young great granddaughter. Soran stood still for a moment and calmed herself, she was furious at that pale female, how dare she injured someone? If it had been an adult then it would be less disgusting to the sable wolf, but to attack a pup, a defenselessness pup... that was beyond forgiveness.
"How is Saki now? I know how to reset injured bones if you would like me to take a look at her?" Soran offered, her green eyes filled with worry for a fellow pack mate. The subject then rolled around to the hunting idea, the male seemed unsure, perhaps they would not work well together, she hoped so though.
"Well I am willing to help in any way that I can." Soran offered, a smile playing on her lips, calmer now than she had been when she had first heard of the attack upon this young Saki female.

Gorgeous table by the very talented Aoves

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