{M} deep blue
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She remained a good audience through the others history, interjecting the occasional surprised 'Hm?', but never interrupting despite her lack of understanding. It made sense, she supposed, the other certainly seemed to have a more durable build. The idea of needing to be strong, even as a defenseless pup, made her wonder about the harshness of the its natural home. She paused her digging only to sidle further down, moving to a spot that would widen the whole once she resumed digging again.

"I am from the other side as well, but this 'ome of yours, it does not sound very safe to me if you had to fear your sister." She regarded her own siblings with something akin to hate, but never to the point where she would make them fear her, and vice versa. "Is that why you left then, the 'arshness of your family?" That was something she could relate to, at least.

She let the smile hang on her lips, nodding in agreement with the creatures final words. "Oui, digging is good for many things." Burial holes, finding snacks in the ground - she supposed she'd never thought about it, but the simple movement could be put to use for a multitude of reasons.



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