Day at the Beach
Terra laughed softly as Ananse toppled over, amusement glinting in her eyes at his antics. As long as it didn't harm him she didn't interfere, being just as delighted and entertained by the pups as they probably were with the games she presented for them. He got right back up, not letting the fall get in his way with his eagerness to head out. Yes. We're going somewhere new. Well, new for him. They had been down there before when they'd found the whale, but Terra was thinking of a different part of the beach, one full of tiny pools and caves dotting the side of the cliff. It was a fun place to explore, a trait Terra had never grown out of.

The sound of short stubby legs behind her let her know that Ananse was on her tail. He'd already managed to need to run to catch up. Terra glanced behind her and grinned, changing their path. She set off the trail that most of the pack used, heading off into her hidden trails. Not many could use them as they were made for canines just her size, and they were pretty well hidden. She had done her job well when she'd made the paths that now wrapped around the pack. There was no need for them beyond Terra's amusement but she could move from any point in the pack unseen to where she wished to go, using the natural folds of the ground to keep her cover.

Walking here would be more difficult for Ananse as there were a lot more things to trip on. He was going to learn these trails though, and she figured it was best to start familiarizing him. Terra paused in the mouth of the trail, again scanning to make sure no one was watching as she vanished out of sight. Pleased Terra glanced down to Ananse, yipping softly. Don't tell. Turning back around she headed down the path, her paws guiding her fair easily. This was familiar to her, even if she didn't go down very often. It was a short route until they came out, Terra pausing at the edge where the bush ran out above the trail leading to the sandy beach.

The cover ran out here leaving them exposed. The hard part would be getting Ananse down the path now. It was a bit rocky as the cliff began to rise up from here. She stood ready to help him down before they reached the stretch of sand running before them with plenty of room to play.

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