Day at the Beach
How more obvious could one get when it came to being eager? Nevertheless as soon as she mentioned someplace new his eyes sparkled in delight and his grin widened, thrilled with this idea. This was certainly going to be a good day. He could already tell and couldn't wait to get there. This was already starting to make up for the failed attempt earlier. He'd be able to gloat about this later to the other pups he was sure.

Following his mother, his eyes scanned around the area, constantly causing him to have to speed up to catch up and not lose her. It seemed like there was always something new to see and it just made even the walk to the destination amazing. And no matter what he saw the first time, each new trip brought something better that he enjoyed. It was safe to say he was a rather easily amused pup. Nothing wrong with that, was there?

It wasn't long before she paused and he barely avoided running into her as he wasn't paying enough attention to the sudden stop. His head tilt to the side as he looked up to her. A confused whimper escaping him before she made her way into the hidden trail, tail swaying back to life as he followed after her. Of course at the instruction to not tell, he paused for a moment before assuring her with a nod. He didn't quite understand why but who was he to tell a secret? Besides, if this got him to go out more, he wouldn't tell a soul. Frankly it just made things feel more special in his eyes. Not only was this someplace new but they had a secret together now too. He smiled at the thought.

His mood dropped a bit though as he walked the trail, constantly finding himself tripping over this and that. He would have whined or complained but was too stubborn and had a bit of pride, instead opting to growl at the things that caused him to loose his footing before catching up to Terra again, glad to get out of there once they reached the end of the trail. Of course then came a new obstacle and the curious pup ran up to the edge of the cliff, looking down to the beach. He was already awestruck. This was going to be the best trip ever. Now how did they get down?

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