it's the fear

<3 So sorry for the wait hon. I actually did have this typed up yesterday at work, but didn't get the chance to finish it between customers before I had to leave. x.x

He was back in his favorite haunt again. Silently, stealthily, the black shadow moved throught the splintered moonlight as it peeked through the dense canopy of the woods, his upright optime body moving with a grace that belied his muscled build. The inverted silver cross that dangled from the black silk cord around his neck flickered little glimpses of light amongst the shadows. Intense blue eyes were calm and cold, simply taking in the details around him in the thick darkness. Aiden was at home here, a part of the very shadows that dwelled in Ethereal Eclipse.

There was no set destination or purpose for the dark male's midnight wanderings. He simply couldn't sleep, plagued once more by nightmares stemming from his youth. He could still smell the blood of his mother as she lay dying, the victim of his own father as she'd protected her tiny son from his insanity. The Oriel child knew now, of course, that the beast that murdered his mother wasn't truly the kind soul of his father, but another, darker being taking possession of Fly's physical form. Bloodbane. Even now, the male's hackles rose and a shiver traced along his spine at the very thought of that name, of that insanity in his beloved father's crimson eyes. And even now, fear gripped his heart as he thought of the ever-present threat that the monster could someday come to claim his body for its own. It was the curse of the Agaric males.

His thoughts encircling him, Aiden paused his steps and drew his body into the shelter of a huge hollowed-out oak tree. The bare trunk was large enough to shelter a bear, and by the faded scent and leftover brown hairs, the male realized that had probably been precisely what had used this shelter in the past. The blackness within the hole swallowed the werewolf easily, and Aiden heaved a sigh of relief as he made himself comfortable. As the night wore on, he was one with the darkness, his hand caressing the silver cross as his thoughts pursued another, more subtle, realm of shadows.

Table by Tay


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