>>welcome committee

Form :: Lupus/Sucui/Optime

"T-thanks," Mayflower stuttered, eyes widening slightly as she gripped at her flute with both hands, grinning slightly at the other female. "And me and my brother were just accepted a week ago or so," she continued in her quiet voice, nodding slowly as she spoke.

Standing just over five feet tall, Mayflower was obviously shorter, and her timidness matched her size. "I'm Mayflower," she introduced rather quietly, scrunching her thick neck downwards a bit in attempts to seem smaller, arms retreating into her cloak.

Word Count :: 000 | OOC :: thanks c: and I'm sorry for my terrible post ;=;
Darlin' I need you,

I need you like ships need the sea~

template by revo.

table by ann. <3


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