How can it be
Word Count ::266 OOC: lol well it's a start!! We can figure out something as we go on Smile

Jiva had spent many days getting his life in this new pack sorted out. He was making rooms and walls within his new home, most of them were temporary. Just something to hold up until he could get someone to help him with more permanent settings when the warmer seasons came. He spent much time with Drin and Leaf, though to him it seemed she gave far more attention to Leaf than she did was him these days, of course there were those few times where they spent nights together and the kit would be in another room entirely, but it seemed that she just gave him far more attention and Jiva, though he didn't think of it that way, was getting jealous.

Since they were finally settled in he decided it was a good time to start getting to know vinatta and the residents. He figured he would get to know the village first, and he let Drin know that he was headed out, though he wasn't sure if she even heard him. Once outside he caught wind of the crisp autumn air. He was happy to know at least some things could be familiar. He walked the village, looking at the houses and noting which ones had scents and which ones didn't. There were many who lived here and he was certain he would make many friends, perhaps even learn from them. Time would tell exactly what would happen though. He thought of many things, though still clearly sulked over the kit that was taking so much time of Drins from him.

Photo courtesy of Genista

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