My Darling Daughter
Amatha was sound asleep in the shop where her father had left her. He had said he had to finish a surprise he had for her but she had grown tired and ended up falling asleep on the wood floor of the shop. She figured he would wake her once he was done. Maybe the surprise would wake her mother up too. Amatha could only hope it would and she wished she knew what the surprise was. Oh well, she would just have to be patient and wait.

The young pup was at least having a good nap while she waited and along with it, a pleasant dream. She was bounding through a meadow full of flowers, her whole family around her as they all played together. Her big sister Adelle was there, her tail wagging so hard her rump moved back and forth with her tail. Kade was still so small that you couldn't even see him until he jumped, bounding over the grass. Hadley was there watching happily with Isa as the pups played. Her mother was happy and healthy, wide awake and with a big smile on her face . Adelle rushed over to her parents, only to be caught and picked up by her mother and was lightly tossed into the air. Everything was perfect. Everyone was so happy and carefree. There was no sickness, no sadness, only bliss. If only she didn't have to wake up. Amatha desperately wanted her dream to be reality. Maybe it would be though. Maybe that was the surprise, that her mother had woken up.

Amatha woke slowly as she heard footsteps approaching. She looked up, a little groggy, to find her father coming towards her. She quickly jumped up to her feet, excited that her surprise was ready. She dashed over to her father and stopped in front of him. Her tail wagged furiously as she looked up at him. Whas my supise Da? Ish Mama away? it sounded like she asked if her mother was away but Hadley would know that she was really asking if Isa was awake. The young pup just couldnt speak properly, especially not when she was so excited.

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