I just want to turn the lights on
Null nodded once at the girls strange name. Null could hardly judge-- her own name ment, literally, 'nothing'. If the girl's name was Thirteen, then that was the end of it. The trapper knew better than to comment on a name, especially given how sore she got when her own name was commented on. People with ordinary names never realized how important they were. Part of her sympathized with Thirteen; the rest of her was still wary.

Null shrank back, startled, when the girl got so close to her. That was a very dominant gesture, and the trapper didn't like it one bit. Rurik didn't like it either-- Null could feel him looming over her protectively, one of his arms going around her petite shoulders. She placed a hand firmly against his abdomen in a reassuring gesture-- I've got this-- before looking back to the girl. Frightened? Null wouldn't describe herself as 'frightened'. She was unsettled, yes, but those were two completely different things. Pups got frightened. Weak things got frightened. The trapper didn't like the implication. She pulled herself to her full-- unimpressive-- height, staring Thirteen dead in the eye.

I admit, it hides your body language. Makes you difficult to read. Null replied in a high, imperious tone, like someone who was used to high position-- which she wasn't, not in the least, but Thirteen didn't know that. I would appreciate it if you didn't get all up in my face like that. It's considered rude in most circles. Could get you in trouble if you tried it on someone more aggressively inclined. Null examined her claws, appearing disinterested-- but it was also a subtle warning flag; these claws could've been put in your gut if I weren't so good-natured.

Rurik, usually so sweet of temperament, was ruffled by Thirteen's advancement on his friend. He didn't appear actively aggressive, but he did appear guarded. Rurik considered moves against Null worse than moves against himself, and he was something of a sleeping dragon-- he only needed the right provocation to become hugely dangerous. He didn't want the situation to escalate, but he wouldn't run if Null was threatened.

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