Flies are in your [p]ea soup
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Eee! Hello dear! Big Grin
WC: 531

Soran waited on the borders, for once bouncing with anticipation, it had been so long since she had seen her friends in this pack, she could not help but wonder who it would be that came to meet her, she hoped greatly that it was a familiar face though; she wanted to know how the pack were doing and someone who already knew and trusted her would be far more forthcoming with that information. She wondered idly what Robin was up to these days, the last time she had seen her she had been growing like a weed, her patchwork great granddaughter was becoming a lithe huntress like herself, she was looking forward to seeing whether or not the young multi-coloured girl had finally learned to use the bow that Soran had given her. And of course there was her grandson Haven, they had not been the closest of friends, but since Soran's rescue of Robin they seemed to be forming a bond, it would be good to see how he was doing as well, he looked so like Conri and reminded her of him a great deal, he was noble and brave, just as her red son had been before his fall from grace. Had she been a younger wolf she might have found herself being impatient, but with age came an ability to allow time to pass as if it were washing over you, to not be too worried by it and so she waited, though she was anxious to see who came to greet her; she hoped that the pack had managed to survive the hurricane that had swept through the lands, the idea of any of her friends or family being injured or losing their homes was one that worried the sable female greatly.

The dark lady did not have to wait too long though, soon enough a familiar shape appeared in the distance, slowing as it saw her. It took Soran just a moment to recognise her, it was Terra. A warm smile spread to the dark female's lips and her tail began to wag fiercely as the female neared her, she seemed cautious of the dark female, something which concerned her. She had not received a good reception when she had come to New Dawn, but she thought that that was all behind them now? Unless... there hadn't been another incident had there? She hoped more than anything that there hadn't been, the idea of her friend being treated badly by her pack whilst she was away was something that would be unacceptable, she was no longer Beta but she would still voice her displeasure to Zalen if needs be. Terra greeted her then and Soran smiled once again, her tail still wagging rather furiously behind her as she looked at her tawny red friend.

"Oh Terra, it is so wonderful to see you again! How are you? How did the pack fare with the terrible storm that I've been told that we had?" Soran almost gushed which was rather out of character for her, but to see a friend alive and well after such a terrible storm was something that delighted the older female.

Gorgeous table by the very talented Aoves

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