make their hearts falter

12.10.12 . 1pm . jordheim. optime form. i hope you don't mind the back-date hun!

Teme Chibi is by Requiem!

Despite the fact that the hurricane had been and gone, Temeraire still felt the need to hunt. He was beginning to get a little obsessed, especially after Eclipse's lesson. She'd returned to Cercatori, but the interest in the bow had stuck and Temeraire had asked his father if he could use his bow to practise. Saul had been more than happy that his son was interested in the instrument and he'd agreed as long as Teme didn't damage the bow and he retained the arrows he used. It was an easy enough concept to grasp and so far, he hadn't dared try the hunting weapon out on anything live. He didn't want the issue that had arisen from his and Eclipse's hunt- she'd missed her target and they'd still had to chase after the elk.

Instead, the boy had strung up a rabbit skin across two closely-spaced trees just outside of his home and he'd been practising on there. Speeding up and getting more accurate as his confidence with the instrument grew, he knew he was getting close to being able to start practising on live animals. He'd woken relatively early this morning and had begun practising not long ago. He used three arrows in succession- firing all three and then moving over to collect them from the target. He still didn't know how long it would take for him to get good, but practise made perfect.

Resting for a moment, the dark male clambered up onto his roof of his house and sat. The bow rested by his side, the quiver of arrows strapped to his back. He was getting used to the restriction of the strap across his chest- he was used to freedom and in fact rarely wore clothes at all. But he knew that if he wished to keep practising with the bow, he would need to get used to the restrictions. Blue eyes looked upwards, taking note of the gloomy sky once more- it was getting cooler and soon, sunshine would have no place in Nova Scotia.

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