The chaos within shall feed
nah s'cool, also my post sucks so bad

Ankh was getting older now, and it occurred to Odessa that it was now, perhaps, that it would be useful for him to learn where his food came from. She'd put the idea forward to Imhotep last night, after voicing her idea to Novak (though his opinion didn't weight in much), and he'd agreed. Ankh was just as enthusiastic when told, while he wasn't really sure how things would go down, and when his mother called him out after he'd eaten, he'd bounded to his feet. Of course, Ankh's faced dropped a bit, when his mother produced his cloak. It was long and draped on the floor when he moved, and therefore he disliked the garment. But it was a small price to pay for a bit of fun. Padding along behind his mother Ankh followed her the lengthy distance, stopping every few moments.

Orange eyes hit the form of her much larger cousin, Pandemic, soon enough and a smile blossomed on her face. 'Pan!' she grinned, 'It's been ages!' Ankh hung back wearily, the larger black male dwarfing him if anyone ever did.

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