Let the water was your soul

Out of character

Word Count → 000

Aro walked out into the cool chill of the air. The storm had brought fall with it. The change in the leaves was a welcomed beauty. The oranges, bright reds, dark reds, brilliant yellows, and dark browns all a wonderful sight. Only the pine trees remained the same. Buck seemed to love it all. The spotless young deer seemed to not care about anything but rubbing his small rack against the trees trying to act like a big man, but Aro knew he was barely six months of age. The little guy had a lot of maturing to do before he would be snagging any lady deer. He gave a gloriously deep chuckle at the deer as he snorted. The hoofed creature was going through changes, his hormone spike was making more ornery and disobedient. Aro wouldn't correct the deer until it was needed. Right now the tuxedo patterned male would let Buck be a deer and let him get it out of his system.

The large brute of a wolf walked down the beach front as Buck gallivanted about. His eyes looked up catching a new face. He'd heard there was a new member to Casa, but hadn't taken notice that this new female was an attractive girl. He had to put the brakes on himself, though. Sidra would throw a fit for sure if Aro hit on the girl. Still, he let his charming grin overtake his face, then with a stern snap of his fingers got Bucks attention. The deer ignored him at first then, he growled, and Buck looked up. Aro gave a sharp glare to the young buck and the deer heeded him, knowing well what Aro wanted. Buck came to Aro's side and trotted at a heeling position to the Optime.

Once at an appropriate distance Aro called out, his deep baritone voice calling over to her direction, "...hey there! What's a kind looking soul like you doing out here by yourself?" He flashed a charming grin to her as his cool oceanic eyes peered over her soft looking face. His tail giving a light wag back and forth.

...okay, perhaps he was being a little flirtatious...but a little flirtatious never hurt anyone...right?

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