autumn innocence
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WC: 726

Sannindi. That was her title now, answering only to the Virdings. She loved Lilin and Saul dearly, and now she had the chance to make herself useful and help them. It took some getting used to, but Coli was immensely proud of the honor she had been given, and already felt the need to explore and contribute to make up for her reticence. There were some things she could never change about herself, but those she did have the power to influence, she would do her best. Such as going out more often, socializing and getting to know her packmates, earning their trust and loyalty... She was terribly anxious that no one would respect her, knowing how shy she was, but she had to convince her packmates that she deserved their allegiance. At some point, she would have to stop avoiding the southwestern corner of Jordheim village, but for now she needed to focus on herself and her family instead of the heartbreak that waited for her there. It was the only way to stay positive, by ignoring the negative until it was easier to deal with.

The mother was taking her litter for a walk out in the crisp autumn air, gently herding the roly-poly wolfdogs with her foot when they strayed too far from the path. The trio of puppies were now equipped with their Frithr pendants, having been blessed at the Grand Lake in front of their packmates two days prior. They were still so young, they wanted to chew on the strange wooden object that hung around their fluffy ruffs, so the polished wood had a few tooth marks here and there. Hopefully that was nothing sacrilegious, she thought with a faint smile. Today she was taking them to the stables for the first time, wanting to introduce them to the animals at a young age. Vinátta did not have much in the way of livestock at the moment, but she knew it was something Saul in particular wanted to expand upon, and it would be beneficial if her daughters grew up comfortable with domesticated beasts. Coli herself was still very wary of horses and had no intention of ever learning to ride one, but she did have one creature she was grudgingly learning to get along with -- Aniki, the donkey.

Farina trundled under a broken fence, Florina breezing past her into the empty paddock. Coli sighed, climbing wearily over the fence to round them up again and carry them to the barn. At least Fiora always stayed close by, obedient and quiet unlike her sisters. "You girls have gotten so heavy! Gods willing, I won't have to carry you around much longer," she muttered teasingly to the energetic bundles of fur she scooped to her chest. Fari yipped in response, fidgeting in a futile attempt to get free. They really were quite heavy, stocky at this age as they gained puppy fat, preparing for the imminent growth spurt. It was still hard to wrap her mind around being a mother; she needed to stop over-thinking and simply enjoy the toddler phase while it lasted.

Chocolate ears perked forward when they reached the stables, blue eyes peering into the building as she checked for the presence of anyone else. Shiloh, sister of Saul, had gone about Jordheim two weeks ago gathering items for trade. Coli had been happy to donate her spare cloak, the potted aloe vera that might not survive the winter anyway, and a few other things she had no immediate use for. She knew nothing about Freetown, but there was an undercurrent of excitement when she scanned the building -- had Shiloh been able to secure the item she had asked about?

A loud braying noise interrupted her thoughts, and Coli grumbled under her breath before walking over to Aniki's stall. The donkey seemed pleased to see her, long ears waggling playfully. He thrust his face forward, snuffling curiously at the three puppies in Coli's arms. The girls squealed and wriggled in excitement, trying to lick the donkey's whiskery nose and paw at him. Coli smiled ruefully, relieved that they all seemed to like each other so far. She should thank Niernan for convincing her to keep the donkey -- or at least she would later, once she found out whether or not he would be useful.

Stock photo credit: consideritfox@dA

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