This heaven is overrated. [private]

Short, in a rush. I appologise!

He watched and listened intently, looking from wolf to wolf. So this was the pack now? He smiled to Savina and Kansas apeared. It was obvious the two were closer then friends. Then he tiltied his ears forward as Pilot spoke. Jazper almost choked as he adressed them as Crimson Dreams. It was a good bpack name but he would miss Twilight vale. As he looked around he wouldnered where Khaden had gotten to lately and where his father was. Maybe family wasn't as important as it had once been. Lucifer and Deuce had completly diserted him as of late. On the other hand he knew one day he would shower his children with attention and love, never leaving them alone in a pack at a ripe age of 10 months. He struggled to grasp why any parent would simply leave, Lucifer hadn't even stopped to say goodbye. Niether nani or Savina answered his questioning stare at the young pup, who was he? Jazper's golden eyes stared at him for a moment, curious, then transfered to Naniko as she spoke. Once Savina and Pilot stood up he tilted his head awaiting to hear the rest of Naniko's speach.

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