A Skeleton City

Crazy didn't begin to describe his family, but he knew none of that. He didn't know his father at all, didn't know his mother's history, and of the siblings that remained from Kaena Lykoi's multiple litters, he only saw a few regularly enough to have an opinion. But even then, he was too young to look too far and too deeply into their personalities and their psyches -- there was no way for him to know that Gabriel was incredibly religious, that Samael had Oedipus complex, and that Andrezej was plotting to overthrow everyone, among other things. Madness ran through his blood; he just didn't know it yet, and whether or not the old disease would manifest in himself was yet to be seen. There wasn't a line between the sane and the insane, there was an entire field, the grey area that no one could define.

More words he didn't know, and at this point, he just started to glaze over the information. Something about a unity there that had not been achieved here. Did wolves and coyotes hate each other? He doubted it, no matter how much his brother tried to convince him sometimes. But he was sheltered yet, and the prejudice that awaited him with some strangers' bad moods had not reached him.

Her story made his little overcautious mind even more suspicious. Even if she had saved her charges, something else horrible had to have happened for her to be expelled, right? People weren't that unreasonable. And even though she had told him about abuse, he found it hard to imagine that parents would go to the trouble of having children if they didn't at least care somewhat about them, right? He knew what his mother cared about him, even if she wasn't there anymore -- why was a mystery he didn't question too much. He just knew. He was certain of it. And his father? Well, he had cared enough to help feed them for a few months, right? That was good enough for him.

She changed the subject and he looked around. There were two other doors other than the one they came in through. One of them had been syntax error'd down completely and he could feel the old air blowing in gently, but it still wasn't nearly as strong as it had been outside. The other door had a small hole in it, large enough for him, but too small for the wolfess he was with. He wasn't conscious of the fact that he was looking for escape routes at first, but when he did, he figured they wouldn't be bad to keep in mind. Unlike the other wolves he had met, this one had yet to give him the idea that she was completely trustworthy. Specifics still escaped him, but he was half creeped out, and he had learned that his gut feelings were usually right.

Nuh much, he answered, wandering off towards the fringes of the room, I live in a house though. He stopped again at the can that had been forgotten against a far wall. It use'ta belong t'Syemv, but we got it now. Issa lot more comfy than t'den. Arkham batted the can across the old marble floor again and the harsh scraping sound of metal echoed up to the high ceiling.

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