the spark in my heart
WC: 356

"I don't know how you do it, then," that's what the hybrid said. The way that it was said was like he wasn't liking the morning. Probably not this early morning. "Couldn't be a morning person even if I tried. Use the time to your advantage since some of us can't." is what the Jefferson continued. Mabye he was just one of those later risers. Why doesn't he go back to sleep until the sun is completely out and shining bright. Pendzez wouldn't mind that, but once he's up, he's up. He can't get back to sleep. This wasn't a problem to Pendzez, but there were times that would get tired in the middle of the day and sleep. Hopefully, this problem wouldn't interrupt his help with the pack. If it does, then he was in trouble. However, he found ways to stay awake. He never tells anyone because it was kind of a secret that was only for him to know. There were times that other wolves asked him if he was tired, and he would say, "A liitle, but I'm ok." Pendzez was a tough wolf in his family. He gets it from his father, who was a brave warrior.

"Where on earth are you going this early, anyway? What does this pack have to offer that could get you up and smiling at this stupid hour?" Was Jefferson angry with Pendzez about this? Or is he just frustrated about being up early in the morning? Pendzez didn't mind to rise early. "I just get up early sometimes, that's all. The pack doesn't have anything to offer. I just joined the pack to have you know. And just because you're tired doesn't mean you can get snappy!" Pendzez sort of yelled at Jefferson. Was it because of being tired? Or because he doesn't like being talked to like that. Pendzez wasn't happy about this, certainly. He doesn't like being grouched at, especially from someone he just met. When he found it worthy for forgiveness, he just apologized, "I'm sorry I said that in that tone. I just don't like being talked to like that."

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