the spark in my heart
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It was when Pendzez said he had nothing to live for that Jefferson really snapped away from his lazy morning daze. His ears perked immediately, not to mention that the wolf's brows furrowed and he snapped through another twig and spit it out quickly to the side. He leaned forward, planting a large open palm on the ground as his voice raised. "Listen to me, you wide-eyed whelp: I didn't spend two-and-a-half years meandering around the wilderness to hear someone perfectly healthy put me in my place about how to live one's life." His fangs bared in speaking--the fact that he'd flared up so suddenly was absent from his mind. It took an innocent, naive yearling like Pendzez to flare up an old gimp like he when it came to philosophies on life. The inexperienced never knew how to speak. "Don't you open your pup-yapper and tell me you don't have anything to live for. That's some serious bullshit you're throwing around."

Jefferson laid his good hand on his bad arm and cursed beneath his breath for losing his temper, though it was nothing compared to what could have been released. He lowered his voice, as gruff and grim as it had so suddenly become. "Keep your yap shut a minute," he said, refocusing his eye on the white yearling. "Your four legs are still working. Your eyes are fine. You were brought up well. You found a place to live when you didn't have one before. You never did what I did--live for the moment in time. Don't turn into a sorry old gimp like me, kid. The way you sparked up earlier says your family is important to you--then keep that going." His eye strayed. When had he become such a lecturer? He didn't really care what the kid did, did he? "You don't have a family or a mate, is what you're thinking. Then use that. Start living for your own future, damnit. Don't screw up your life wishing you tried."

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