chase away my hurt, drive away the misery

mall-lowercase; font-size:8pt;">ooc;

Corsair and Garnet should have a series of topics where Garnet tries to get him out of his "paranoia" slump. He'll try to avoid her every time of course, but she can eventually persuade him to re-enter society by joining her pack. ;3 It'll give her a chance to say some intelligent stuff and insult him too! xD

mall-lowercase; font-size:8pt;">ic;

Corsair felt…pathetic and trapped, like a butterfly who’d been pinned down, wings fluttering uselessly and weakly against the backdrop of the board. He watched blankly, through unfocused eyes as the female’s mouth moved, the words coming out sharp and reprimanding. A buzzing noise filled his ears, her words sounding like they were being said through a screen of static. Her eyes seemed to burn with an angry glow as she spoke, glaring at him accusingly. He flinched under their gaze like a child caught stealing sweets, yet he smiled. It was by no means cheerful and could be more accurately described as eerie, the emptiness of the smile almost frightening. ”No…I suppose not. I haven’t been fine for a long time really. You could say that I’ve given up….but the truth is, I gave up a long time ago…or at least tried to. To date, I haven’t been able to succeed.” He paused and then smiled again, his eyes dull and blank. ”I don’t know why not….it’s not like I’ll be missed. After all…there’s nothing left, but you really should stay away. Its contagious if you must know…” His last words were rather vague and it would be hard to determine what he meant by them, but he didn’t feel like explaining, or rather, didn’t have the strength to. Corsair was worried that for every minute she spent in his company, the more her life would be ruined and the worse the destruction would be.

He didn’t have any proof that it would happen again, but he didn’t need any. Just the possibility was enough for him to isolate himself from society. That didn’t make him any less surprised though, and he was….surprised that is. He hadn’t expected to gain such enjoyment from a simple exchange of words from another being. It just went to show how much he missed having a normal social lifestyle, where you inter-depended on other wolves for your survival. Packs were out of the question though. Even at the rare chance that the curse had never existed, or was no longer there, he’d die of paranoia before he even managed to spend two nights within the pack. Would he ever return to society? Someday…but someday seemed awfully far away at the moment and if he kept this kind of thing up, it would never come. Observing the dust particles floating in the brilliance of the sun with lifeless eyes, Corsair considered this. Despite possessing enough intelligence to know that his death would never change what had happened before, he still felt as if he were an abomination better off dead than alive. After all, wouldn’t it be nice if everything plaguing the world just disappeared? Then again, he’d once been a firm believer in logical thinking rather than stupid wishful dreams, but so much had changed…and he along with it.


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