twenty bucks says you'll remember me

Hybrid Holocaust. The connotation wasn’t entirely friendly and Pilot wasn’t really enjoining this confrontation. The way that this coyote was looking at him – he swore if given the chance, this Hybrid guy would cook Pilot over a spit and eat him right down to the bone. His gaze was already unraveling him. It was just as piercing as Pilot would imagine his teeth would be as he tore the flesh from his limbs. "Just leaving," he replied, looking to his side as if seeking the opportune moment and route for escape.

The nausea was heightened as he cast his gaze back towards Hybrid. Though of artic wolf decent, Pilot had always been small for his kind; most likely a long term side effect from his malnutrition during childhood. He couldn’t tell if he were bigger than Hybrid or not, but somehow he could see this guy having a crazed sort of super power; like his insanity would give him superluperci strength. "Yeahhh, just leaving," he said again, listening as his voice seemed to drop into nothingness. It was as if it didn’t even belong to him.


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