fire and ice
Iskata smiled at the family that seemed to surround Deuce. She was happy that the woman had so many children and relatives that were so close. She too knew her family was close, but they weren't /close/ where it counted in her heart. She shook her head softly for a moment before giving in and just pushing away those thoughts that might sour the evening. She chuckled as Jasper apologized for interupting but she just smiled and excused his apology. "Jazper, this was meant for family as well as our own pack. You're welcome to enjoy the night with those you love." She just wished that she could do the same thing, except she knew that she was. Each and every packmember was family to her in some way and she cared about them all, dispite their quirks and habits.

A smirk seemed to spread across her maw as she'd turned away as Jazper went to join his family and her eyes and ears turned towards the others gathered there, overhearing the words that the young member spoke to Jefferson, she raised a brow towards the scarred up male, wondering just what in the world that was all about but knowing that atleast whatever had been between the two was somewhat settled. It was always best when things were peaceful.. she could raise a toast to that time and time again.

Everyone seemed to settle in as she rose up from her spot to gaze about the gathering before speaking. "I'm glad to see you all here.." she said softly as her eyes moved over the forms of friends and family alike. "Deuce and I just wanted to celebrate the First Frost harvest festival with those who we value and love. Each and everyone of you is important to us. Tonight is a night to share the profit of the harvest and just a reminder of how strong we'll have to be with the coming winter." She smiled at her co-leader as she ened the short speech with the truth. "Together we stay strong, divided we struggle.." She nodded towards the gathering and extended her arms towards the feast that sat waiting for the wolves to enjoy. She enjoyed the closeness that they seemed to hold today, if only it was for a fleeting moment...

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